Do You Have Skin Cancer? Signs You Have Some Pre-Cancer Spots

Posted on: 19 April 2023

If you get a skin cancer treatment early on, especially for pre-cancer, then you have a better chance of recovering from your condition and having a healthier life. There are some very common forms of pre-cancers that you may have without even realizing it because they don't look and feel like moles. Known as actinic keratosis, this is a type of pre-cancer that forms over years of repeated sun exposure.

These spots show up mostly on the nose, ears, top of the scalp, and other facial areas, but can also be found on the hands and arms. They are rough and patchy and may be itchy and they often resemble dark freckles and can even be mistaken for liver spots by the untrained eye. Mostly common in older people, anyone can have these spots on their bodies, and you may even have one but think it's nothing to be worried about.

A skin cancer treatment for these spots on the face and body can be done to eliminate these spots before they can turn into full-blown cancer. It's very easy to do and often involves little more than freezing the spots (similar to freezing a wart) and then monitoring the spot to make sure it doesn't return. Here are signs you may have some pre-cancer spots.

You have a scab that won't heal

Do you have a scabbing spot on the part of your hair that no matter how much you pick it, it continues to flake? Is this spot also sensitive and itchy? It may be an actinic keratosis, and your dermatologist wants to take a look at it.

You have a leathery patch of skin on your body

Do you have a leathery patch of skin that is always dry and itchy no matter how much you moisturize it? Does it look like a splotchy freckle only slightly darker? Does this spot remain itchy and feel very dry and bumpy? It very likely could be a pre-cancer spot and should be treated by your dermatologist.

Luckily, most of these pre-cancerous spots aren't going to turn into actual cancer, but since they can be so easy to take care of, your dermatologist will just want to remove them. In the end, the peace of mind of knowing the spots are frozen then scabbed and gone for good is worth it and much better than taking the chances that they may actually not be dangerous. Your dermatologist will show you how you can check for these spots in the future. 

For more info, contact a local company like  Desert Dermatology & Skin Cancer Specialists.
