• Treatments That May Help When You Have Stubborn Acne

    If you have acne that doesn't respond to over-the-counter or prescription medications, your dermatologist may want to try some type of acne surgery. Surgery can be used to treat a single pimple or it can be used to treat widespread acne. These are the options you may be offered depending upon the type of acne you have and the location of the cysts. Surgical Extraction This type of acne surgery is used on blackheads and whiteheads that are not inflamed.
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  • Top Signs And Symptoms Of Potential Skin Cancer

    Does your family have a history of developing cancer? Are you worried that you might develop skin cancer due to needing to spend time out in the sun? While you should definitely visit the doctor if you have any questions or concerns, that's not always immediately possible. Here are some signs that you should be on the lookout for: New or enlarged moles: This is probably the most obvious and well-known sign that you may be developing skin cancer, but it merits mention anyway.
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  • 3 Things Parents Need To Know About Congenital Nevi

    Congenital nevi, also called birthmarks, are patches on the skin that affect a reported 1.3% of newborns. These patches can be various shades of brown and may have irregular or hairy surfaces. Here are three things parents need to know about congenital nevi. What causes congenital nevi? The cause of congenital nevi is still unclear. One theory is that these patches have a genetic link. Children that carry the MC1R genotype—a genotype that is associated with red hair—have been shown to have a higher risk of developing these patches.
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  • Get Rid Of Your Skin Tags With Tea Tree Oil

    Skin tags are common skin annoyances that typically are not considered harmful for the body. You can have them removed by visiting a dermatologist; however, health insurance companies do not usually cover the cost of the procedure, because this is considered a non-health related need. If you want to get rid of the skin tags you have and want to save money, you could try a method that has worked for many people.
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  • 4 Things Parents Need To Know About Lichen Spinulosus

    Lichen spinulosus is a rare skin condition that tends to affect children and young adults. Here are four things parents need to know about this skin condition. What are the signs of lichen spinulosus? If your child develops lichen spinulosus, papules will suddenly appear on their skin. These papules are usually between one and three millimeters in diameter, and are either flat or conical. Each papule has a pointed spine in its center.
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  • Three Guidelines For Skin Care Tips

    Your skin requires some excellent care and maintenance if you hope to let it retain the moisture, brilliance and strength that make it glow beautifully. This will allow you to age gracefully and prevent the deterioration of your skin health throughout the course of your life. Follow the three skin care tips below to maximize on your dermatological health in your life. Skin Care Tip #1: Be Mindful Of Sun Exposure
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  • Debunking The 4 Most Common Myths About Laser Hair Removal

    If you're sick of plucking, shaving, or waxing, then you might be considering the option of having laser hair removal done to get rid of unwanted hair. Laser hair removal treatments are quick and effective when it comes to removing hair from just about anywhere. Unfortunately, there are a lot of myths floating around about laser hair removal, so it's a good idea to understand the truths behind these common myths so you can make an informed decision about whether or not laser hair removal is right for you.
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  • 2 Effective Ways To Combat Acne Problems Naturally At Home

    Just about everyone in the world wishes for clean, youthful, blemish-free skin. Unfortunately, not everyone has it. In fact, the American Academy of Dermatology reports that the chronic inflammatory skin problem affects roughly 40 to 50 million individuals here in America on a yearly basis. Some may turn to the doctor for a prescription-based medication when over-the-counter treatments don't work. However, for those who prefer to stay natural when it comes to products in on the body, here are two natural remedies to try to help get rid of that unwanted acne: 
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